community presentations

Host me as a presenter for your event, community group, workplace, council or school. My presentations focus on soil microbiology, mycology (the world of fungi), beneficial social invertebrates such as bees, termites and ants.

Approximate cost: $500 - $650  (plus travel costs)

worm farm and compost workshops

Learn to cultivate beneficial microbial communities for your community garden, farm, school or workplace. Let's build a Wheelie Worm Flow (continuous flow through worm farm system),  Johnson-Su bioreactor or a thermal compost to enrich your soil and vegetation.

Approximate cost: $850 - $1500  (plus travel costs)

live soil microscopy workshops

Discover and learn about the microscopic creatures in live soil or compost samples displayed on a big screen connected to the microscope. Bring along your soil or compost sample to see what creatures you are cultivating.

Approximate cost: $500 - $650 (plus travel costs)

soil microbiology analysis

Send me your soil, compost or worm farm samples for microscopy analysis to determine its health. This includes measurement of fungal to bacterial biomass, and counts of bacterial and fungal predators which release nutrients for your plants. Receive a report of the analysis, images and/or videos of the organisms found in your samples.

Cost: $150

With photos and video footage: $230

soil health consultation

Work with me to improve the microbiome of your soil, worm farm or compost using simple principles, techniques and practices. Let’s design the system that works for your specific situation.

Cost for an online 1-2hr consultation: $150

Farm visit consultation $80/hr minimum 3hrs (plus travel costs)